Season 6 Episode 15 aired live at 19h00 on Rebel Rock Radio on 13 April 2023. The show kicked off with Ozzy Osbourne’s Miricle Man and then blasted through some fast-paced hi-octane rock/metal. There were some excellent new tracks on the show; Buckcherry with ‘Let’s Get Wild’ off the soon-to-be-released Volume 10, Greta Van Fleet with Meet The Master, and Ian Hunter with Stone Temple Pilots De Eric Kretz, Leo Brothers, and a track called Pavlov’s Dog.
The Immortals track this week was ‘Cold Gin’ off KISS – Alive. It is KISS at their best and shows just how important Peter Criss and Ace Frehley were to the sound of the band. The 5 min interview with Jessy Switchblade of Deadline fame clocked in at about 8 min, Jessy is very easy to talk to and has plenty to say as always.
This week’s Ultimate Challenge looked at 1985 and the four albums were: ZZ Top – Afterburner, ACDC – Fly On The Wall, John Mellencamp – Scarecrow, and Megadeth – Killing Is My Business. In between we heard from the likes of Doomsday Outlaw, Jetboy, Tesla, The Black Crowes, Iron Maiden, Saxon, and Judas Priest.
Artists featured: Ozzy Osbourne, Disturbed, Godsmack, Saxon, Coverdale / Page, Buckcherry, Danko Jones, Airbourne, Drowning Pool, Halestorm, The Donnas, Whisky Myers, Greta Van Fleet, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Mötley Crüe, The Black Crowes, Tesla, Audioslave, Alice In Chains, Ian Hunter, Jetboy, KISS, Deadline, ACDC, ZZ Top, John Mellencamp, Megadeth, Arch Enemy, Bullet For My Valentine, Kid Rock, The Halo Effect, Parkway Drive.
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