Bruce Springsteen
I put this song up and it all just came crashing back the way I remembered it. It’s amazing how 35 years later I can still feel exactly the same way I did the first time I ever heard Bruce sing Atlantic City. What makes him so special is that anyone can play this song 3 chord song but no-one can play it like this.
Little Steven
I may have fucked this up, when I found this video I was a bit taken aback to see the dude with the white Mohican playing guitar. I was looking for the original video I saw in the mid 80’s where as I describe in my book how Clarence Clemens was riding around on chopper with a white Mohican. I couldn’t find it and now it looks like it was never Clarence in the first place. Oh well that’s why we have this web site so people can fill in the blanks.
Neil Young
Neil Young is a legend for me. There are many who can’t stand him but I find him one of the most amazing artists ever.
There isn’t any good old footage of Rodriguez in his hey day that I could find. The reason is pretty simple as I explain in the book, he never had a hey day because he never even knew he was a star. Thankfully due to the efforts of Stephen Segerman he was rediscovered and not lost to the world.
Billy Bragg
Not a lot of people I know even really know about Billy Bragg, I discovered him in about 1984 and was immediately hooked on his Brewing Up album. Billy sings his songs of love, socialism and revolution without any drums or bass, just his electric guitar and his voice. Its gritty and angry and you can probably learn more about England in one Billy Bragg album than you can in a whole textbook.