Falling Mirror: We have had some great SA bands over the years, here’s one of them

Falling Mirror

Falling Mirror were a really great band, ‘If I Was James Dean’ is one of my favorite songs ever.  Its quite hard to get any decent material on them but my Friend Ernesto has done some digging and found us some good video to celebrate this band with.  Before I turn you over to Ernie let me just say make sure you have a look at the bottom clip with the KFM interview by Ian Bredenkamp, its heart wrenching, the music busines is hard people, even harder in South Africa and its cruel to wonderful bands like this.  Here’s Ernie:

Falling Mirror are one of South Africa’s greatest rock bands and they have stood the test of time. Formed in Cape Town in 1978 by 2 cousins, Allan Faull and Nielen Marais (Faull and Marais… Falling Mirror) the band has released 4 official albums, 2 official compilations and a few download albums and they are all highly sought after. People may remember their huge hits Johnny Calls the Chemist (1986), Neutron Bop (1980) and a few others which received regular airplay on the SABC. Falling Mirror were not really a live band though they got together to do a few gigs in 2012 and were busy recording a new album when Alan Faull passed away from a heart attack in September 2013. Bravely the band carried on and played a few more live gigs but called it a day in 2016. – Ernie Pap