This a total goosebump video clip, it so brilliantly done. For some strange reason there are a lot of haters when it comes to Avenged Sevenfold but they are one of the best metal bands to appear in the last 20 years. They are head and shoulders above the rest of the pack that came out at the beginning of the 21st century in the same way that Maiden were back in the mid 70’s. The band has been a tight band of brothers since inception, when their drummer Jimmy ‘The Rev’ Sullivan died the band were so deeply affected that they clearly channelled the grief into Nightmare, one of the most emotional heartfelt albums ever made by a metal band. I will talk about that album another day but back to the topic of how can AX7 help you to break your own ribs?
You can achieve this by watching this video clip after 24 hours of partying and reinacting the scene where Synyster Gates plays the solo in the graveyard and if, while doing an air guitar solo, you use lounge furniture and a bar counter as makeshift tombstones and a sinking coffin you can slip your poes off and land on the floor in a heap of limbs and barstools. I can personnally attest to this method but should warn you that it will affect your golf for about 6 months.
This video is so powerful and other than the stellar guitar solo the vocals at 3.35 are just out of this world.